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© 2019 Yuta
Our design work for London artist Roiael's first album.
Roiael is a singer-songwriter living in London. He precisely depicts the drama of people's lives with an ethereal, delicate singing voice. In his first album, he engages with the negative and positive aspects of human nature. He asserts the existence of light and dark in every human's life, and within that drama he hopes for the negative to be sublimated into the positive.
We wanted to represent his efforts in this album in a simple yet refined form. With regard to his love of minimalism, I used a black and white gradient to visually express the potential for a transition from "negativity = dark" to "positivity = light." The title expressing "EQUILIBRIUM" is used to indicate the passage of time and the achievement of balance between the two. I created an album design with with minimal elements that would be suitable for his first album.
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